I got a bunch of R. sp indonesia ( super similar to R. stalii ) and they are all super problematic with the eye injures. Unless you have your terrarium´s walls covered, they will push their eyes against the glass or plastic and the eyespots will soon appear. So, that´s what I do, but even the wall on the front can be a problem which evidently you can not solve. At least, covering the ones left, you will stop them from watching another mantis by their sides so they will not try to get eachother.
Beiträge von Toxai
Thank you very very much Kraehe and Simon
I was really worried about that. I hope this post helps more people in the future who may have this doubt too.
best regards.
That´s exactly what I had thought till now. But recently I had problems to mate a couple of Rhombodera sp and someone told me that if they are 1 month old in adult, no matter I achieve mating them, the ooths will not be fertile. And that drove me crazy xD as it will be impossible for me to get all my males and females match at same moment of reaching the adult form.
- Hallo,
- Mir wurde kürzlich gesagt, dass Mantiden etwa 2/3 Wochen (maximal 4) fruchtbar sind, nachdem sie ihre erwachsene Form erreicht haben. Ist das wahr ? Dann ist es sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass ich die meisten meiner Exemplare züchte, da die meisten Männchen bereits ausgewachsen sind, während die Weibchen frische Subadulte sind xd.
- Mit freundlichen Grüßen.
I´ve been recently told about mantids are fertile for about 2/3 weeks ( 4 as maximum ) after reaching their adult form. Is this true ? Then, I am very unlikely to breed most of my specimens as most of the males are already adult while the females are fresh subadults xd.
Best regards.
Hello Till.
I have a bunch of parablepharis and they are extremely pickle eaters if not using flying feeders. I´m convinced that they are specialized in flying insects, as they will accept moths even from your hand. However, if you are using roaches, worms, etc... succes is very unlikely. If you don´t want to deal with flying food, parablepharis are for sure one of the worst choices. But, as I mentioned, if you are using moths ( these ones specifically are their favourites ), flies, butterflies....they will be fierce at them !
On the other hand, they are not aggressive mantids and the size of the prey is very important. They easily get stressed with big preys on their enclosure.
Even with that, if you like them I still recommend to get some. They worth it.
Best regards.
I am starting to feel kind of worried as I mated one of my rhombodera basalis/latipronotum around 1 month and a half ( or 2 months maybe), and I did it again some weeks later. I´ve read over there, that mantids are mean to lay eggs some days later so...I guess it´s a veery/too long time. I am absolutely sure they achieved connection and they were for almost 24h both times. Is that normal ?
best regards.
That problem happened a lot with rhomboderas. Not very usual in other species, but Just a little bit with acanthops erosula.
But I´ll try to increase the himidity even more to see what happen.
best regards.
Hello Kraehe !
That was a highly complete tip hehehe. I´ll use a short top of any bottle or a small dish for it to not propagate over the substrate and check how good do they eat it. I´ve seen fodder for roaches in some online stores. I´ll try it, but it looks pretty similar to just fish food xd. Kerf has beautiful offering but it seems they don´t ship outside Germany
I´ll keep it updated to check how did it work.
Thank you,
best regards.
To be honest, that sounds much cleaner than what I´ve seen in any tutorial. The only reason why I was using karton was to provide some hiding points to avoid cannibalism, but I guess the ground will be enough for that ( or maybe not ? )
I´ll add the ground and offer them some fish dried food to make their diet more diverse.
Best regards.
That´s very interesting Leander. In this case I was worried about the wings drying problem specifically, but as you said that problem may be due to environmental conditions, do you know what issues may provoque it ? I thought it was humidity lack, but even increasing it had I some mantids with that problem.
Best regards.
Hi Kraehe!
Don´t worry about the translation stuff, It´s a pleasure for me that you all answer me in english within a German forum.
It´s good to hear that animalists there are not interested in insects. Here they are because they have an interest in feeder animals, and insectcs are very used in that field.
I hope the situation there keeps like that as long as possible.
Best regards.
I see. So, in fact that can be a genetic legacy. Then, I´ll keep pairing only the perfect ones only, just in case.
Thank you very much Simon,
best regards.
Oh, I don´t have ground for them. I only have paper as floor, so when I remove it, I clean off most of the dirt at the same time. I´ll try to give them some substrate for them to feel more comfortable.
Do you reccomend keeping the egg kartons If I add some ground, or the ground should do the function that the karton is meant to do ?
Best regards.
Hello Simon !
Here, It mostly apply for vertebrates too. But if you read strictly the text of the law, It theorically applies for every single animal.
If It´s good or bad It´s a loong debate, but, personally I think It is good to have control on potencial pests, and protecting endangered species. However, this restrictions are, in my opinion, rather due to a political reason, related to " animalist" stuff. So the goal is rather to forbid, instead of controlling.
Anyway, I´m glad to hear over there the law is still very kind.
Best regards.
Hello back,
I´m struggling a little bit with the breeding of dubias. I´ve had a bunch of adults for some months but they are not breeding. I don´t know so much about them but I guess that´s not very usual. They are always in a dark place and I clean their box usually. I guess they are well fed as well, so, what may be the problem ? do them require specific conditions for mating ?
I have to say that in last weeks, I found dead 2 of them. However, I don´t know if they died due to my fault or it was cannibalism.
best regards.
Hello guys,
What do you think about mating mantids that had problems on drying their wings ? will it increase the possibilities for their next generation to have that problem when they became adults too ?
best regards.
I´ve been quite intrigued about something lastly and that´s all what goes around the law about keeping insects and its sorrounding themes, as importing, exporting, etc. But mostly about just adquiring and keeping them.
I was wondering if you have any idea of how does this work in Germany and other countries. Germany seems very friendly with that, as it´s probably the country where this hobby is most developed. However, I don´t know how friendly the low actually is.
In the country where I live, as some others in Europe, they are turning quite restrictive and, in example, from now on, it will not be possible to buy any animal on a store but fishes, and a permit ( likely difficult to get and requiring very specific stuff, as an specific space to breed located far from the city ) will be required if you have more than 6 species ( of whatever ) living with you. In Italy, the government has approved a very restrictive list of exotic species.
So, how does it work in your country ? do you think the hobby is endangered ?
According to what I´ve read in this post about rhomboderas, the ones I received as R. basalis must be R. Latipronotum as they are huge ( 3/4 of my hand ) as adults. I´ve ordered a bunch of plistospilota guineensis so I´ll be able to compare them and see which´s the largest.
Unfortunately one of my parablepharis died misteriously. It was doing good and had molted a few days ago, I was just about to feed it for the first time after the molt and then I found it hanging by one single leg. Evidently, something was too wrong. And the moment I take it out to observe what happened, I found its abdomen was absolutely blooded like injured, but I honestly don´t know what it is, as after the molt it has not been disturbed by any food nor anything, so It´s difficult to figure it as an injure. The conditions are the ambient temperature of canary islands. Humidity is 80 - 90 % average in the canary islands and I mist my parablepharis almost every day. I must add an " X factor " and It is that a member of my family painted a decorative object with painting spray. I guess the mantis had that injured before that happened but every data has to be provided to clear what happened to the mantis. I´ll let a pic of it here so you may analyze it.
Best regards.
Hello back
I see. Anyway, I guess it will be like that for ever, as It started before the molt and after it, it continued. Lets see how does it evolve.
best regards.